Thursday, June 28, 2007

When it rains, it pours...

It's time for people I've stopped speaking to over the years to attempt to talk to me. There's a back story to this that would take WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too long to explain for those new to this blog, but for those of you who've stalked your way to my new blog - I'm sure you'll understand all to well.

Anyhoo - it first started with the exboyfriend storm. Some guy I dated about a year and a half ago, and another that I dated over 3 years ago (he was a major boyfriend, unlike the first one) decided to e mail me within 3 days and strike up some kind of... kinship?

I dunno, I gave both pleasantly cold responses that basically said, hi, thanks for contacting, next time I'll contact YOU --- annnd haven't talked to either since.

Now this goes off the previous post - but I reacquainted with dreamboy, this past weekend, and today I get this message from fatboy:

Title: HOLD ON!!!
Don't delete...yet? Yes, this is the [name] that you once knew before you went to Med School. Yes, I have been following you, not stalking, just wondering what you were up to ha ha

Big craziness happened and I would love to fill you in some day. i figured, why not a drink after the craziness ended. I have a whole plethura of stories that will be written, i just have to find the perfect website developer, hint hint j/k.
If you want to B.S. and catch up on old times, you have my number. I think?

It came from a random myspace, with a fake name, and no picture - but it wasn't hard to figure out it was fatboy.

Who is fatboy you ask?

When I broke up with my most recent major boyfriend (yes it was 3 years ago) he was the mutual friend that I ended up finding out later -- wanted to fuck me. I was nice to him because he was my connection to the ex (though he volunteered no info other than to tell me that the ex always told him how good i was in bed - which made me very uncomfortable) and he was nice to me because he --- wanted to fuck me.

So after 6 months of trying to get with me (god I was naive), he finds some other girl at a country concert and plays the "you're jealous" card, and proceeds to piss me off with his deflection to the point where I just stop speaking to him. He was fat, ugly, and quite obviously not my type (I thought he was too old and annoying).

Anyway, I didn't really care about the ended friendship because I was busy pimping myself out and trying not to care that my exboyfriend left me for a 19 year old blonde bimbo in california.

The e mail amused me... but I wrote back because I, for one, have a lot of pride - and there's no way in hell I'd ever contact a person after the shit I said to him the night I realized what had been happening.

So I wrote back this:
Hi [name],
It's good hearing from you, I would ask why you have a blank myspace with a fake name, but I'm assuming that goes along with the craziness you were talking about in your e mail.

I left the country and traveled for a bit - so all my old numbers are gone. I'm on a pretty hectic schedule with the hospital anyway so I probably would be no fun to talk to between work, homework, gym and other shenanigans.

Hope all is well

I think I was nice, yet cold at the same time. I hope he doesn't try to see me... because he's seriously not my kind of people.

I have a feeling I'll regret this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is a poor speller.

Anyone who write Ha Ha, never puts it after anything funny. It's more like "I'm sure your legs are still really tan, and long. I'd love to have them wrapped around me. ha ha lol."

The guy is a tool, or so it seems. I liked your tags.