Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The first fight

So saaaaaaaaay I consider navy my boyfriend, and saaaaaaay we've been together since we first met, and saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay that in my weird world this all makes sense:

We had our first fight. (The first in 6 months)

In actuality this means I got mad at him - because god knows when he gets "upset" with me, I don't let him go 2 feet without spitting it out and calling him a big baby.

Anyhoo, the details aren't important - he was just being hypocritical and I brought it to his attention the night before he thought I was ignoring him. Due to some unfortunate incidents which involved my mother, an emergency room - and later my sister, and a prom dress - the baby thought I was ignoring him after calling him a hypocrite the night before.

This meant the turd decided to play stupid childish mind games that pissed me off. In return - I started ignoring him for real giving myself ample time to decide how to tell him to FUCK OFF. I.e. we (whatever I've decided "we" is) are done.

He ends up calling a couple of times, to which my roommate calls ME a baby and tells me to pick up. So I do, and navy met my anger:

Me: "Navy I'd like you to meet someone"
Navy: "Oh really who?"
ANGRY ME: "@#$(@?#*$&@(#*$&@(#(&@*%&(@%^!"
Me: "I think she just made her own introduction"
ANGRY ME: "@^#%(&@^#."
*Navy quivering in fear*
Navy: "sorry sorry sorry sorry"

Now I don't want to brag or anything but...

I'm scary.

And when I'm angry, I get insanely intellectual, I use big words, and I could probably debate the president and have him bowing to me in tears.

oh yeah, and sometimes I cry - I know I know but imagine this: Me. Angry. Sobbing

Angry Me: "@#%^@(%^@&($%^!!!" *SOB*
Navy: ""Baby don't cry"
Angry Me: *Punch*

Navy ends up showing up with 2 cacti (cactus plural) annnnd a bouquet of flowers.

Though the point that I won the argument (which had him apologizing for hours after *insert evil laugh here*) is exciting, I am writing this to make another statement.

Through all the bullshit, and the stupidness of the fight - it helped me understand I like him, A LOT. The thought of ending it hurt, and the way he handled it was perfect - yay flowers.

I really like him - sometimes I feel like I love him, but that would be stupid.

I still refuse to call him my boyfriend.
The end.


Anonymous said...

Go on sister. Live how you want to live. Maybe I think you're young. I hate to use that word, as it sounds patronizing. But I wonder if you, as an attractive girl who seems to have guys here and there, worry about being alone in life? I don't mean this as a slight. I think highly of you. And believe it or not, I think I get where you're coming from on the Navy thing, but I'm just in a different place. And it feels different.

That sounded dumb, huh?

Caro said...

titles are lame anyway.
boyfriend, shmoyfriend.

(i'm so happy to see you!)