Saturday, June 7, 2008


My week has been unremarkable. My car is still missing, and I think I'll be using my insurance money from it to pay for this semester of school.

My friend came to visit and we went out last night with friends of hers in the area. They're in the business field, and doing quite well for themselves. I met a guy I might have been interested in except that he's short (as in my height when I wear heels) and jewish (they tend to only want their fellow jews to settle down with). He was however very successful, good looking, and not skeezy. I actually had a very good time last night :) so I'm happy. *side note* we saw marissa tomei out afterwards and for being in her 40's she looks younger than I do. I need to be doing whatever she's doing - incredible.

I've realized my sleepiness has been the fact that I lack a set schedule. Being on call sucks, waking up early sucks, and attempting to study throughout the whole process sucks. I only have 2 more months of this and I should be fine :) - yay more sleep. I'm trying to figure out my following cores so that I can stay here longer, but things aren't looking too good. If it all works out I'm already plotting my escape from my crappy apt and looking forward to a nicer area haha, we'll see.

anyhoo - i'm boring when my life doesn't have emotional conflict... will update more when I start feeling cookey

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