Thursday, May 22, 2008

A surgeon's hands

I've always had some kind of fixation with hands. I like a guy with strong large hands. I don't know how it happened, but after getting to know a guy and while at the point where I'm trying to figure out if I REALLY find him attractive, I stare at his hands... Maybe it has something to do with the hand/penis urban legend. Who knows. I like a firm hand.

Cocky surgeon (mentioned earlier because of my annoyance with his forwardness) has been very unappealing to me. The only reason he seems to get my attention is that he's tall (I'm a sucker for tall guys) and built looking under those scrubs. He will give me his full attention (unwanted most times) at one moment and ignore me the next. He's pretty good at the game, I'll give him that...

So while on call last night, the uncomfortable i'm hitting on you/ignoring you game began. My partner finds it highly amusing, and around 2 am while coming off my caffeine kick, something odd happened.

We were called to place a foley. I was supposed to do it (practice makes perfect) but the pt didn't like the idea of a foley shoved up his penis, and CS (cocky surgeon) ended up doing it. While placing a foley, the environment needs to be sterile. Sterile mat, sterile foley, sterile gloves. When CS was setting up the area I got to watch him put on his gloves.

It was hot.

I only think I found him attractive in that moment (while staring at his uber hot surgeon hands) because I think that's how he was the most comfortable. A surgeon's hands are their life, and while I stood there watching him standing tall in his scrubs, lab coats and gloves - he was exactly where he was going to stay the rest of his life. He was stable in that moment. Maybe that could be it right?

Or I just think tall dr's with latex gloves on are sexy - :)

Later while seeing a case in the ER he hit on me again and the magic was gone.


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