My roommate is 30. She's 30, has a very pretty face and big bones, and is single. No that doesn't mean she'd fat - because she'd not fat... she had big bones.
This means she's depressed and has no self confidence.
I didn't mind her in basic sciences, she kinda kept to herself and seemed to know her shit. That meant she'd be a good roomie right?
... right
Well when I got back to town, navy and I were still in that weird mode where I didn't know what to do with him, didn't want him touching me in public, and was debating if it was ok to give guys that asked my number. Unfortunately all these experiences were done while my roommate was around.
She would tell me how great navy was, if I looked nice that day, and etc. Then the compliments got weird... she would tell me how great I looked in jeans ("my ideal weightloss goal is to look like you in jeans!"), while walking around if a car honked or someone whistled she'd always mutter that it must be for me, and she wouldn't even speak to navy when he'd come up for the weekend.
She wanted a man - it was very clear that this was her only way to find happiness (and she couldn't stop talking about this ass she was dating during basics, and swore he worshipped her... *snicker*). So I found her one. I set her up with three different guys I knew.
One was
ipod guy (he bought me an ipod and we'd only dated for 2 weeks) - his unhealthy jump into relationshipness made him a great candidate for my desperate for a relationship roomie.
Next was
AW, who I've known since I was 13 and he was 19. I had the BIGGEST crush on him back then. He was smart, an english teacher, and... older.
Finally there was
Voldemort who we collectively named later.
Anyway, I tried to set things up with ipod guy only to realize he was trying to make a play for me - and cut that out real quick. AW wasn't interested because he had a couple of girls he was already juggling and said my roomie was boring, and finally... voldemort, who recently broke up with a mutual friend 2 weeks prior, took the bait - and my roomie was out of my hair.
Apparently Voldemort has a little anger problem, and when going back to his old apartment (after already beginning his proceedings with roomie) decides that he's going to call his ex-live-in-girlfriend all types of names, which makes my best friend jump in tell him to back off, and ends with my best friend being shoved against the wall at such a force that she (2 months later) still has signs of inflammation on her knee and elbow, and a scar from the corner she hit on her neck. *breath* (if that isn't a run on, i don't know what is).
Technicalities of the encounter included the fact that my best friend shoved him first... but she was still pretty beat up from a shove he gave back to her and will have a nasty scar on her neck for a very very long time.
Anyway, I tell my roomie this little encounter, but since they've been talking for a whopping 4 days, she's already completely in love and doesn't care. I take myself out of the situation and stay neutral. Best friend hates him, roomie fucking him, no bueno.
Anyway, while they were together she was fine to live with. She was always on the phone with him at night, the weird comments regarding how I looked stopping, and it wasn't weird when navy would come up to visit because either her man would be there, or she'd be down in DC at his place.
Here's the problem: On friday he dumped her.
Apparently she was too controlling and got jealous of him hanging out with his friends or something. I DON'T CARE, he's crazier than her and the fact that he even got (especially while he was going through all this BS with shoving my friend) her to deal with all his shenanigans was mind blowing.
Now I have to hear her talk about how much she misses him, and she gets all teary eyed at times, and oh yeah - one day we went to a concert and she starts bawling right in the middle of it because she and him and gone there once...
Not to mention she'd being very snappy, and I don't give a shit who you are - you don't snap at me for random reasons.
Things running through my head:
-You're 30 damn you, you should know better than to have let him get in so quickly!
-You're 30 damn you, stop acting like you're 19
-Stop crying
-Stop SNAPPING AT ME before I punch you
-Stop telling me how one time he stopped and kissed you at every single light post because you don't like PDA
-Stop asking if you're crazy
-Stop asking me to ask navy to ask him things
-Stop telling me that same stories over and over
-Stop reading me the e mails he's sent you
-Stop STOP
All this has built up since sunday night. Yes that's right. I went home from visiting navy to her depression sunday night - I moved back into my parents last night. I think it was about 24 hours before I booked it. (lease is up in august anyway)
So I told her to start blogging. To re-read the shit she needs to deal with instead of telling people (me), and to suck it up and move on. I also told her that her little fantasy of him calling her and her denying him was probably never going to happen and put money down that if it did she'd take him back in a heartbeat. I told her she wasn't allowed to use his name anymore, and she made the harry potter reference ("he who shall not be named") = voldemort = funny... ha ha.
Anyhoo, keep a lookout for a break-up blog, it'll be good.