- Buying a year's worth of walmart gear at one time and checking out with roughly 3 carts that were overflowing, but price-checking almost everything to make sure it wasn't too expensive.
- Checking out a family with 3 cart's worth of gear and taking your sweet as time scanning everything while checking out things they're buying.
- Being the manager of a walmart knowing there's a line around THE FUCKING CORNER of people waiting for these dumbasses, and not opening extra registers.
- Hitting cash instead of debit on something or another that I didn't care to overhear and spend 15 minutes talking it out with the manager with employee's stopping by to see what happened WITHOUT OPENING ANOTHER REGISTER!!!

Regardless another register FINALLY opened, and I was one of the few who made a mad dash to make it there.
Now, throughout this very annoying and time consuming experience, there was a short very fat lady in front of me. She was obviously not very well off, missing a couple of teeth, and her cart consisted of a couple DVD's, crackerjacks, a CD and 2 packs of peanut-butter m&m's. She was also very obviously in distress because like the rest of us, she was standing in the FREAKING line for 30 minutes. So I struck up a conversation with her.
I've realized people decide who they can and can't talk to based on initial judgements. She seemed shocked that I was cracking jokes in her general direction, and tried to counter back by showing me the CD in her cart, asking if I'd ever heard of the random duo. "I haven't", I answered, "I usually download music on my ipod." "Oh," she muttered back "I don't have onna 'dem, only got me a por-ta-ble C-D player"
I ended up hopping lines one more time, and when I saw I was about to get to the front I went back to the old line and offered her the spot in front of me. She was grateful, then muttered something about hoping not to miss the bus.
Instantly my anti-beggar radar went off and I automatically thought she was trying to bum a ride from me. So I ducked my head cursing myself for being nice to her, and I didn't say anything as she got her things and left. I hightailed it out of there after I FINALLY CHECKED OUT THE 4 ITEMS I NEEDED TO BUY and jumped in my car hoping she wouldn't somehow see me and ask me for a ride back into the city.
But then I saw this while driving out of the parking lot:
She had taken her cart and was using it for support to make it to the end of the parking lot. Then she stopped short, put the cart in it's designated position and continued walking (obviously in a lot of pain, and she was so fat she kind of waddled - making even walking look painful). I realized she'd never intended to ask me for any type of hand out, she was just venting like we'd been doing earlier.
So I rethought my initial judgement and started debating if I should slow down and offer her a ride. Then I thought this and realize I am, indeed, a horrible person:
"With her BMI as high as it is, I'm sure walking would be better for her than me picking her up and driving her back into the city."
...then I felt like shit again and couldn't stop thinking about it.
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