Monday, July 27, 2009

It's about that time

I made a twitter for the blog:

Only I'll probably never link here. I'm probably just going to use it for the random asshol-ish things that come to my mind I wouldn't want anyone who actually knew me to know I was thinking. Kinda like this blog. The crazy me I hide from the world.

In other news, mother nature brought me a little gift one week early, and suddenly once my hormones stopped raging, I stopped fixating on bloviated as much. Excuse? Maybe... but I'll take it. I didn't like how crazy I was last week. Reminded me too much of my high school crushes on boys who never knew my name.

Also, I passed the boards I took earlier this year, and my next ones are a couple of weeks away. I should be studying.


1 comment:

Saqism said...

hi. i dont know you but i found your blog by typing 'surgeon hands', i found some of your posts quite entertaining/enlightening.

i myself am trying to enter the medical field.. in a grad program currently.

update your blog if you find the time..