Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I'm back

It's been awhile... I know. Time has been short of late. Updates to the blog are needed.

In short, I am now a doctor. A full fledged, order writing, long coat wearing, medical doctor who now has her OWN medical students following her around.

It's weird.

One day you're an MS4 with enough slack to get away with knowing only something, the next you're an MD and expected to know everything.

My first order was 2 PRBC STAT written at 6:15am, because my first patient ever was bleeding out of her ass (literally, bright red blood coming out of rectum).

Holy. Shit.

ANYWAY, I guess I'm back for the same reasons I resorted to blogging in this anonymous forum to begin with... I have no one to talk to. I'm expected to be happy and content, without letting anything get to me. No one wants to hear my shit (at least I don't think so), and, as of yesterday (i'll update why) I'm sad... and I can't really explain why, to anyone.

This blog may or may not be medically related - it's always seemed to be relationship driven. My vocabulary has drifted to the medical side in life, words like "perforated" are normally used in conversation... annoying, I know, I can't help it, I apologize in advance.

Relationship wise, I haven't spoken to navy in over a year - we were friends for awhile and then he annoyed me and that was it. Perfect is still around, and no longer seen as perfect - however he's now considered a "back-up" vs. a goal... if that makes any sense. I need to explain Rex to the blog - he's the most recent new one (and the main reason I need to vent on my blog again). I can't think of anything else. I highly doubt anyone who read this before will read this now, but if anyone can think of anything - feel free to comment questions.



Yumiko said...

Yay!!! I am so glad you are back :)
Congrats on becoming a doctor! and I hope the stuff that's bothering you will eventually sort itself out.

Freddie said...

Congratulations, Doc. That's a HUGE accomplishment!

Nice to see you (were) around again for a while.

Not sure if you'll remember me, but I see you're still linking my (very old) site.

Feel free to visit the most current.

I'll be watching for you, hoping it won't be over a year again before you come back.
