Saturday, May 26, 2007

Why don't you just GET IT?!

My exboyfriend is a piece of work.

I am firmly convinced everyone has ONE ex that wont leave them alone. The kind that was shitty when you dated them, but the second you walk away has decided that you're the best thing since sliced bread and has made it their mission in life to win you back. I am also convinced if you don't have a person like this, you're either young or ARE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE.

No sane person has experienced this and ends up doing it.

Back to my story...

He won't stop calling. Its started up this week. Either he knows I'm back for sure, or is having a fight with his current girlfriend. This means I've been getting calls - thankfully only one a day so far.

He calls at 3 AM (my weakest hour) probably hoping I'll fumble for the phone and answer in a sleepy haze. HOW FUCKING ANNOYING.

So now I'm thinking of ways to make him think I no longer have the phone number... UGH

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