I use to have a blog. No one read it except me. Then people found it, and liked it. These people seemed to like what I was saying and the secrets I shared. But then these people began to think they knew me. They started taking my blog from me. I would write about things that affected me which I couldn't speak to anyone about in the real world, and they would judge me.
So I've learned my lesson.
This is where I'll keep my secrets, where I'll share them with you without caring about your comments or reactions.
Welcome to my blog.
1 comment:
I love your blog. I just read the whole thing.
Thanks for the link. I'm linking you back, if that's ok. If not, just say so. Or, feel free to just ignore me. People do it all the time.
I can kinda relate to what you're saying here. I'm tempted to start a new blog so that the one person who knows about my existing blog won't know about my blog anymore. That make sense?
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