Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fair warning

When walking through the west village on gay pride parade day - do not make eye contact with other females if you are straight. Heaven forbid you smile or give way in the mob - some girl might think you're hitting on her girlfriend and get offended.

HOWEVER! I did meet an amazing man named Lou who shared his umbrella with me during the major thunderstorm I go caught in right by the train station. He watched the parade with me and give me cute little tidbits to think about as the floats came by. He was probably the savior to my weekend, it's a shame he's gay ladies (also a shame that he's about 60) his gentlemaness (word?) was a breath of fresh air in this city. I heart Lou.

I do not, however, heart large breasted women walking down the street with their boobs hanging out... ew.

The end

1 comment:

The Sarcasticynic said...

Is gentlemaness a word? It is now! I, too, am somewhat offended by large breasted women walking down the street with their boobs hanging out. Small ones, yes, but not large breasted women.